A removable replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissue

A complete set of dentures, designed to replace missing teeth and restore function and appearance.

Denture Procedure Information

Icon of Coins to represent Affordable


Partial Dentures:
500 – 1,500 with addition of 50 – 100 for each tooth

Full Denture:
1,500 – 2,000

Icon of Hourglass to represent Quick


30 mins – 1 hour each visit

Icon of Teeth Protection to represent Lasting



A denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissue.

There are two types of denture -- complete and partial. Complete dentures are used when all the teeth are missing, while partial dentures are used when some of the natural teeth remain.

Denture Aftercare

If you remove your dentures, they should be kept moist – for example, in water or a polythene bag with some dampened cotton wool in it, or in a suitable overnight denture-cleaning solution. This will stop the denture material from drying out and changing its shape.

Keeping your mouth clean is just as important when you wear dentures. You should brush your remaining teeth, gums and tongue every morning and evening with fluoride toothpaste to prevent tooth decay, gum disease and other dental problems.

It is also important to remove food deposits and plaque from your dentures. Unclean dentures can lead to problems such as bad breath, gum disease, and tooth decay.

You should:

  1. Brush your dentures with plain water before soaking them to remove food particles.
  2. Soak them in a fizzy solution of denture-cleaning tablets to remove stains and bacteria.

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